Information Security is a topic that is increasingly rising on companies’ agendas. Companies have to make sure that their corporate data and intellectual properties are safe. In this survey, we have interviewed nearly 1200 professionals in different industries globally on how they approach the increasingly complex challenges of information security.
The respondents in this survey are unanimous on the fact that this is an issue that is high on companies’ agendas. However, they vary greatly on how prepared they are to handle the challenges.
Some key findings:
- 80.9 % think that information security is relevant for business strategies
- 58 % have an information security strategy, while only 27 % have set formal goals
- 65 % have invested in information security over the past three years, focusing on assets and equipment, having the right personnel and defining and implementing controls
- 43.1 % expect to increase their investments
- Protection of information/data is the main driver for the investments
For complete findings, please download the report and infographic below.

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